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Schlagwort-Archive: GraphicsMagick
TYPO3 install tool: GIF image size warnings on Windows servers
Running TYPO3 on a Windows server and getting strange warnings in install tool about the size of the generated GIFs?
Veröffentlicht unter Bug, Configuration, PHP, TYPO3, Windows
Verschlagwortet mit GIF, GraphicsMagick, Image size, Install tool
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GraphicsMagick crashing under TYPO3
A TYPO3 4.3 project running nicely on my local development system did not produce the expected icons on the remote live server. It took me the better part of a day to find out why…
Veröffentlicht unter Bug, Software, TYPO3, Windows
Verschlagwortet mit Crashing, GraphicsMagick, PNG size, v1.2.2
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