Archiv der Kategorie: PHP

Cloud Computing in the Focus of ZendCon 2011

ZendCon 2011, the seventh annual Zend PHP Conference, ended yesterday. You missed it? Some really interesting live speech recordings are available online…

Veröffentlicht unter Cloud, Configuration, PHP, Web Server | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

Full Access to a PHP Class on a Separate Server

During my latest project I was faced with the need to access a PHP class with all its methods and properties from another server. This lead to some research and an astonishingly simple solution…

Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, Extensions, PHP, Software | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

Android and the HTTP download file headers

I lately had to create a complex download repository for a customer. Multiple files could be selected and were compressed on the fly into a single ZIP file before being transfered to the client. After everything worked fine with IE, … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Android, Bug, Configuration, HTML, PHP, Web Browser | 98 Kommentare

TYPO3: Sanitize a database that uses Latin1 character encodings in UTF-8 database fields

In TYPO3 systems before v4.5 you could get all sorts of messy database character encodings by setting wrong or incomplete parameters in your typo3conf/localconf.php…

Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, MySQL, PHP, TYPO3 | 1 Kommentar

Very strange: Empty CSS background image executes PHP script

Imagine you put the following simple PHP script at some webspace (let’s say at and call it from your web browser…

Veröffentlicht unter Bug, HTML, PHP | Verschlagwortet mit , , | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

TYPO3 install tool: GIF image size warnings on Windows servers

Running TYPO3 on a Windows server and getting strange warnings in install tool about the size of the generated GIFs? 

Veröffentlicht unter Bug, Configuration, PHP, TYPO3, Windows | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

A simple local Windows mail server for testing PHP scripts

Over time I used all sorts of solutions to test the email sending functions of my PHP scripts during development on my local Windows machine. They all had some pros and many cons and kept me searching for a better … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, Email, PHP, Windows | Verschlagwortet mit , , | 22 Kommentare