Archiv der Kategorie: Internet Explorer

Web development: Ready-made VMs to test under all IE versions

Internet Explorer is a nightmare for each and every web developer on this planet. Now here is at least some help in testing your code with different IE versions and even if you are not developing on Windows.

Veröffentlicht unter HTML, Internet Explorer, Software, Virtualization, VMware, Web Browser, Windows | 1 Kommentar

IE9 Bug: Using Postscript Type 1 Base Fourteen Fonts

If you are a web worker or designer, chances are that you have Postscript Type 1 font versions of Helvetica, Times and Courier installed on your Windows 7 machine. This may lead to partial or total malfunction of IE9, and … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Bug, Configuration, Internet Explorer, Software, Web Browser | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

IE9 Bug: Loading PDFs into Frames Using JavaScript

An exotic bug hit my desk today: A business card PDF generation system that I have programmed and maintained for several years refused to cooperate with Internet Explorer 9. It turned out there is a weird bug in the latest … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Bug, Internet Explorer, JavaScript, PDF, Software, Web Browser | 8 Kommentare